Nuevo Observatorio Virtual Argentino

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WR 35a: A new double-lined spectroscopic binary (Gamen+, 2014, A&A, 562, 13) at NOVA


Reduced spectra used in the paper entitled "WR 35a: A new double-lined spectroscopic binary", by R. Gamen et al. to appear in the A&A journal (2014).


Roberto Gamen
Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - La Plata - Argentina

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Aims: We present the first orbital solution for the Wolf-Rayet star, WR 35a, that was discovered by a spectroscopic monitoring of faint WN-type stars.

Methods: Spectral features of two different components were identified, and thus a method of disentangling the individual spectra of both components was applied. Radial velocities were determined for each component in the binary system.

Results: The orbital solution and component properties of the system were derived. We determined that WR 35a is composed of a WN6 star with a O8.5 V companion orbiting at a 41.90-day period.

Table 2 is available in electronic form at


WR 35a: A new double-lined spectroscopic binary

Authors: Gamen, R.; Collado, A.; Barbá, R.; Chené, A.-N.; St-Louis, N.

Data Table Fields:

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
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ssa_location Location ICRS location of aperture center deg pos.eq
ssa_dateObs Date Obs. Midpoint of exposure d time.epoch
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ssa_dstitle Title A compact and descriptive designation of the dataset. N/A meta.title;meta.dataset
ssa_specstart Band start Lower value of spectral coordinate m em.wl;stat.min
ssa_specend Band end Upper value of spectral coordinate m em.wl;stat.max
ssa_specmid Mid. Band Midpoint of region covered in this dataset m em.wl;instr.bandpass
ssa_specext Bandwidth Width of the spectrum m em.wl;instr.bandwidth
ssa_targname Object Common name of object observed. N/A;src
ssa_instrument Instrument Instrument or code used to produce these datasets N/A;instr
mime Type MIME type of the file served N/A meta.code.mime
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